Extra Curricular


Camps Program

We are very proud of our camping program which works on a rotation basis. Each class has their own camp which is related to the learning going on in the classroom. Each year the Year 1 students have a ‘sleepover’ at school, with the Foundation students joining them for breakfast the next morning.

In 2022 our camps are: Yr 4/5/6 Ballarat; Yr 2/3 Port Fairy; F/1 School sleepover for Year 1 students and a Foundation breakfast the next morning.



Our students participate in a myriad of sporting events a School, District and for those who progress, State level. We also make full use of Sporting Schools Funding to enable specialists to come to the school. In 2019 we held basketball and gymnastics sessions both at school and at the Gymnastics Centre.



Jacob West attends the school one afternoon a week to provide guitar and ukulele tuition. This is a private arrangement between Jacob and the families. The school simply provides the space for the lessons to occur.



These are run by our Year 6 students. At the moment we have Lego Club running twice a week thank you to Oliver Homer.