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At Narrawong District Primary School we believe Wellbeing is of utmost importance. With this in mind, we explicitly teach students to navigate friendships, their feelings (both positive and negative), being connected and grateful and being a productive global citizen.

Friendology 101 and Friendology Jnr

This curriculum introduces students to skills, language and strategies on how to be a good friend and what to do if your friendships are not positive. Students are empowered to know the difference between what’s normal in a friendship, the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships and how to stand up for themselves whilst respecting those around them.



URStrong is a skills based program that teaches students how to put a voice to their feelings, create healthy friendships and build a solid foundation for future relationships. Students learn a step by step approach for putting out Friendship Fires (conflict resolution) and how to combat ‘mean on purpose behaviour’.


Ophelia Project

This is a school curriculum that empowers and encourages students to increase their sense of self-worth and to maximise their potential contribution to society. It facilitates students to recognise and address relational aggression through systemic change in the social culture.

Positive People @ Narrawong

Positive People @ Narrawong is a weekly focus that is based around the 5 ways to Wellbeing (Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Take Notice/Be Aware and Help Others/Give) and Positive Psychology. Each week, students are explicitly taught a focus and it is interweaved throughout the week through learning circles, check in and check out discussions. The weekly focus is spoken about at our Monday morning assembly and reflected upon at the end of the week at our Friday afternoon assembly. Our school also teachers the Department mandated Respectful Relationships curriculum as well.