Family Support

Parent/ Carer Information Sessions are held throughout the year to inform the community of School Strategic Plan directions, school goals and various educational practices employed at NDPS. These sessions are often linked to the curriculum and academic components of school. Building parent skills in these areas, enables us all to benefit as volunteers are a fantastic resource, both at school and at home in supporting student learning. NDPS Information Sessions support parents/ carers with advice on how to assist children's learning and wellbeing at home. These often link to topics such as, Literacy and Early Reading, Numeracy, and social/ wellbeing etc. Please let us know if there's a topic you'd like covered.

We encourage parents to engage in regular discussion with staff and welcome questions from parents as they arise.

The school welcomes parent/ carer involvement and appreciates all offers of help and engagement in a variety of programs and capacities.

NDPS is committed to student wellbeing through many different curriculum programs and activities. Beyond this, staff are available to discuss parent/ carer concerns through formal meetings (Parent Teacher Interviews/ Conferences/ Learning Plan meetings etc) and through informal means. NDPS believes student learning is enhanced through positive relationships between home and school.


Additional parenting support may be found through our SchoolTV link: