Ngata! Welcome to NDPS!

We hope the following provides helpful information to assist you in making an informed choice of school for your children and family. This is one of the most important decisions parents and caregivers can make in shaping their young people and NDPS staff are here to assist.

Starting school can be both an exciting and challenging time for children. Our aim is to ensure that all children are given the necessary support and security so they can take that step happily and confidently. The learning needs of young children are particularly unique as they move from a concrete, exploratory stage of learning to more abstract, formal learning.

Our Junior classroom provides a safe yet stimulating environment where children engage in developmentally appropriate activities. We nurture and promote the physical, social, emotional, as well as the intellectual development of children. We acknowledge and build on the wealth of learning experiences you have already provided. We openly welcome parents into our classrooms, as together we share your child’s educational journey.

You will find we are committed to the Victorian Early Years Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. Australian and worldwide research indicates that success in the Early Years of schooling is essential for future success at school. Our highly skilled Foundation teachers together with the Early Years Coordinator ensure a supportive learning environment and the careful monitoring of each child’s progress. Time each day is dedicated to teaching literacy and numeracy skills and understandings, giving children the confidence to learn and to participate in everyday life. Children’s learning is challenged and supported during a range of activities.

You are invited to contact the school if you have any queries or questions.


Transition to school

Our transition program is specifically targeted for Term 4 when children are more confident and ready to take that step into school. The program has been designed to gradually introduce children to the classroom, the broader school environment and key members of our staff. We take the opportunity to observe your child’s social and physical interactions and we begin planning for the first month of school.

We understand that Starting School is an equally major step for parents. Some parents rejoice, others feel a sense of loss while others may feel moments of anxiety and concern.  Our Foundation teachers welcome your involvement in your child’s education and no question is too big or too small. Early in Term One a Foundation information night will be held where details of the curriculum will be outlined.

Children’s safety and security at all times is our paramount concern and are the basis for all our school procedures and processes. Therefore, teachers are not available to answer questions once students have entered the classroom as they need to devote all their concentration to the care of the children. We successfully use COMPASS to facilitate daily communication and to arrange appointment times.

Foundation 2025 transition dates

  • Session One- Monday 11th November (2-3pm)
  • Session Two- Monday 18th November (1-3pm)
  • Session Three- Monday 25th November (1-3pm)
  • Session Four- Monday 2nd December (1-3pm)
  • Statewide Transition Day- Tuesday 11th December (9:00-12:30)

These dates have been determined so as to minimise disruption to pre-school programs. On these days, we ask your child to wear suitable clothing for play and weather, bring a hat, water bottle and snack.

For the last session, the Statewide Transition Day (a longer session) we ask children to bring snacks and lunch.