Principal Message
Ngata! I'm delighted to welcome you to Narrawong District Primary School!
The NDPS vibrant learning community has much to be proud of, from excellent student learning data (and NAPLAN results), through to research based best practice in Literacy and Numeracy. The Sructured Literacy work is well embedded, with extensive staff understandings of effective pedagogy, explicit teaching and how to best assess, plan for and deliver effective literacy instruction for every child. Supporting this work a range of processes are employed from Instructional models, a whole school Assessment Schedule, Scope and Sequence documents and assessment moderation tasks to ensure meet student needs. Active involvement in regional Literacy Learning Community work ensures we access current literacy experts.
In recent years the schools has completed the Primary Maths Science Specialist Program which enabled a strong focus on mathematics and numeracy learning. This work has upskilled classroom teachers in effective numeracy instruction. Professional Learning has embedded an Instructional Model, Scope and Sequence and Assessment Tools linked to the Victorian Curriculum in Mathematics 2. Excellent structures are in place, with dedicated professional learning, data moderation, staff workshops and involvement in regional professional learning.
Community is pretty important to NDPS, evident in lots of fantastic annual events, excursions, camps and sporting activities. Volunteers are a regular part of school life, particularly through fortnightly Kupa Ngal ("Sitting Together" in local Gunditjmara language, Dhauwurd Wurrung) activities. Students are challenged and supported to be the best version of themselves possible, through excellent classroom practice, individual learning plans and tiered intervention support.
Narrawong District Primary School prides itself on positive relationships and effective evidence based learning practices. Staff are forward thinking, innovative and consistently proving a first class education, ensuring students have the tools they need to access the future they deserve.
NDPS is committed to student, staff and community wellbeing through Positive Education, the Department of Education's Respectful Relationships program and daily explicit wellbeing strategies. This is supported by the school values- RESPECT, KINDNESS and RESPONSIBILITY.
We welcome you to visit our school and see for yourselves what we are all about. Tours can be booked through the office on 5529 5375. You will be guided by student leaders through award winning facilities, getting a first hand perspective of programs being taught and educational opportunities.
Tara Hulonce, Principal