
Students receive weekly Science/STEM lessons as delivered by a Science Specialist. Loosely based on the Primary Connections Curriculum, a two year curriculum cycle is taught and students build upon their scientific skills and knowledge over F-6.

The Primary Connections: Linking science with literacy is an Australian Academy of Science flagship program. The units of work are inquiry based and are taught throughout a term. Over the course of a year, students have experiences in Biological Science, Chemical Science, Physical Science and Earth and Space.

In 2024, we have experienced a Rocketry Program in Grade 3-6, which has taught us about the physics and mathematics of flight. Many launches have been completed, with rocket designs modified as we learnt more. Senior students have held Balloon Rocket workshops to share their knoweldge with younger ones.

During fortnightly KUPA NGAL activities students may elect to be part of a special Pollinator Project activity. Supported by a Junior Landcare Grant, with an expert ecologist leading us, we have explored local native pollinators and their pollinator plants. Students have learn about pollinating insects including bees, moths, beetles (in particular the Bright Eyed Brown Butterfly) and the important role they play in our environment. We have explored local flora, investigating plant features, then germinating and propogating local endemic species. This project will culminate in a presentation at Zoo's Victoria Fighting Extinction Showcase in November, 2024 where we talk aboiut our project and the Pollinator Card game that has been created.